You might expect businesses from disparate industries like hospitality, retail, and brand enthusiasm would have far different motivations for harnessing the power of data within their organizations.
But when I recently sat down with leaders from Trademark Global, Tenerity, and The Leading Hotels of the World for a virtual conversation, something became instantly clear. They all shared a common goal. Each described how they use a growing wealth of data to design experiences that people remember, leading to deeper relationships.
Ultimately, data is the currency that drives all of our businesses. At Boomi, we’re thinking about how we can layer in more intelligence and automation to create a better data fabric of connectivity. That way, you can accelerate your path to unlocking data to drive the fast decision-making we’re all trying to leverage.
Discovering, synchronizing, and managing data enables you to create what we call integrated experiences. That’s the ability to meet unrelenting customer demands to provide them with the information, goods, and services they expect – and give you a competitive advantage.
And that all begins with connectivity.
I’m thrilled that executives from three great customers took time to explain how they use the Boomi AtomSphere Platform to overcome challenges around data silos, exploding data volume, time-to-market, and making customers feel like they matter. Here’s a brief look at our conversation.
The Leading Hotels of the World (LHW)
LHW is a collection of 420 award-winning luxury hotels and resorts in more than 80 countries. The business provides marketing, sales, and booking services that link together independent properties, said Michael Lederman, vice president of information technology at The Leading Hotels of the World.
“Integration has been the most important business necessity for several years,” he added. “The pandemic certainly has increased that importance. Guests have greater expectations today. The only way to deliver on that is to integrate best-of-breed solutions. Ensuring information is in the right system at the right time is core to that.”
Boomi eliminates data silos, so critical data automatically flows between systems like reservations, CRM, financial, and more. For example, integrating the digital architecture gives LWH the insights needed to guide hotels in crafting unique guest experiences with a unified loyalty club.
“We can provide a repeat guest experience even when you’ve never been to that hotel before,” Lederman said. “When you walk in for the first time, they have all of the information about you as a guest from stays at other hotels. Like what kind of wine you like or what newspaper you want in your room. Boomi became that glue to connect all those systems, internally at LHW corporate as well as the hotels.”
He also emphasized another asset – speed. Boomi integration enables LHW to implement changes much faster as the business evolves and introduces new offerings to hotels.
“None of what we do would have happened as quickly as it did if it weren’t for Boomi,” he added.
Trademark Global
The Trademark Global business is an “endless aisle,” providing 10,000 products across 15 different categories – including tools, toys, and linens – to Top 50 retailers like Amazon, Target, and Wayfair. That complexity requires hyperconnectivity to understand pricing, promotional strategies, and consumer behaviors.
“We’re not putting products on retailers’ store shelves but on their digital shelves,” said Trademark’s CIO Abdul Khan. “We’re trying to be as connected to these retailers as much as possible in real-time to drive an awesome consumer experience.”
Boomi is the facilitator by ensuring the speed and agility Trademark Global needs to deliver. Khan cited two examples of how the company relies on Boomi: inventory availability and navigating the supply chain.
Previously, it had struggled to keep retailers up-to-date when new products came onto the market. Also, informing clients that goods were unavailable took too long.
“Both resulted in a not-great consumer experience,” Khan said. “With Boomi, we connect microservices to pull the right information and make it available within seconds. We’re near real-time in telling retailers and customers if we have or don’t have a product. So, we’re creating a real-time, great experience that consumers expect.”
Also, supply chain issues show little sign of abating. Through it all, Trademark Global has been on the front lines of ensuring people get what they ordered as quickly as possible.
“We partnered with shipping lines and plug into the APIs to look at data about product availability,” Khan explained. “So we can tell consumers that their product is one week or one day out. Boomi’s value proposition with that visibility and real-time data is a better time-to-market, so we can start bridging the gap for better consumer experiences.”
Tenerity builds brand enthusiasm by helping companies design offers to pique the interest of consumers. Data is Tenerity’s lifeblood, helping it tighten the bonds between people and brands.
“There’s a need for real-time data orchestration,” said Erika McBride, Tenerity’s vice president of data & analytics. “The key is to get those insights at the right time and into the hands of users to provide the most value to their daily lives. That real-time ability is what brought Boomi to our attention.”
For instance, Tenerity struggled with a legacy technology that connected text messages to a third party. Boomi modernized that process without disrupting the downstream use of the data.
“With that success, we’re looking at other use cases for Boomi, like automating data queries, speeding up processes, and adding connectors as we develop our data lake environment,” McBride said.
Boomi contributes to Tenerity in other ways, too. The reusability of low-code connections ensures integrations get deployed quicker. And because Boomi lives within Tenerity’s digital environment, data is easily accessible.
“We can deliver insights in near real-time while balancing that essential need for privacy and security,” she added. “That’s going to be key as we move forward.”